About Us – DealerXchange
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About DealerXchange

Understanding our client’s needs and striving for a better way of doing things is the cornerstone of DealerXchange.

Behind the web platform you’re currently evaluating, there is a team of problem solvers listening to and working with auto dealerships across North America. We’ve heard their struggles, whether it be the redundancy and inaccuracy of inventory management, how to determine where to spend marketing dollars, the seemingless endless number of dealership tools gauging the average dealership, or the monopolies that hold most dealerships captive. We believe there is a better way of doing things and we want to share it with you.

DealerXchange consolidates the different software tools you may be using and streamlines your inventory management and marketing workflow. The end result will enable you to sell more vehicles and spend less money doing it.

How Much is a Tool Like This Worth to Your Dealership?

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