Why DealerXchange? – DealerXchange
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The overall reduction in time spent by a dealership to manage, merchandise, and market inventory.

The average time it takes a dealership to import, cross-check, manage, and syndicate a unit to sales channels.

Our retention rate. Our clients are happy clients. We deliver what we say and make them money while doing it.

The DealerXchange Difference

Every year, dealerships waste countless hours and spend tens of thousands of dollars managing, merchandising, and marketing their inventory online using different software tools.

When we surveyed a large group of dealerships, we discovered the majority of the tools they were spending money on weren’t being used, had low staff adoption rates, and provided no tangible and measurable correlation to increased sales.

This is where DealerXchange is different. Our platform was created for auto dealerships who struggle to get their vehicles online in an efficient manner, who are looking for a better way to manage their inventory, and who are paying too much for software they don’t need or use.

Simply stated, DealerXchange is your dealership’s central command.

6 Reasons Why DealerXchange is the Tool Your Dealership Has Been Waiting For

 Efficiently consolidates your dealership tools into a single easy-to-use platform

Accurately determines your ROI on all digital marketing expenditures

Gives you the ability to sell more vehicles quicker with less digital overhead

Reduces time spent managing inventory through streamlining and accountability

Increases your dealership visibility with a focus on generating VDP views

Improves consistency and accuracy of vehicle Information across sales channels

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