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Believe it or not, there are several reasons why you, as an auto dealership, should not be using Google AdWords to advertise your dealership, website, and inventory. In this article, we’d like to highlight the top 3: REASON #1 You’re much more comfortable piling your money in...

If you missed our first article about what Google Adwords is all about and why it’s important to your dealership, you can find it here.First of all, it’s important to point out that there’s no such thing as a ‘Perfect Google AdWords Account’. There is...

Whether you manage your dealership Google Adwords account in-house or contract an agency to take care of it for you, there are tools and best practices that can make a huge difference in the number of visitors to your website. Are your keywords optimized? How’s your...

WHY ARE VEHICLE DESCRIPTIONS SO IMPORTANT? “94% of customers are looking at inventory online before buying.” “Only 1 out of 15-20 views will send an email lead.” “A recent study by Cobalt shows that the more VDP views a vehicle has,the quicker it will sell.” If stats don’t lie...

DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR BEST MARKETING ASSET IS? As a dealership you may have a lot of different answers. And it’s true, there are a number of marketing assets available to an auto dealer. Now you may be thinking Google Adwords, strong SEO rankings in...

Every month potential customers search to find what you offer, not your name.  If you aren't there on the first page of google, then you are currently giving those leads away to your competitors. A dealership should use SEO to help them increase their overall sales. ...

Welcome to the weird, wide, and wonderful world of Digital Marketing and acronyms. Now you have your website, you’ve started to outline a Digital Marketing Plan, and somewhere close to the top of that plan you have the letters S E O scribbled in bright...

Choosing your ideal customer in the automotive world is a little different than in any other business. The reason being, you don’t have just one type of customer, and shooting for ‘everyone’ is way too broad. No one can afford to target everyone. And even...

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